Returns & Exchange

Returns & Exchange

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Buyer will only be refunded after Millions Of Shades has received the returned item. To enjoy a hassle-free experience when returning the item, buyer should ensure that the item, including any complimentary items such as accessories that come with the item, must be returned to Millions Of Shades in the condition received by buyer on delivery. We will recommend buyer to take a photo of the item upon receipt. The refunds deadline is 7 days.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Buyer will only be refunded after Millions Of Shades has received the returned item. To enjoy a hassle-free experience when returning the item, buyer should ensure that the item, including any complimentary items such as accessories that come with the item, must be returned to Millions Of Shades in the condition received by buyer on delivery. We will recommend buyer to take a photo of the item upon receipt. The refunds deadline is 7 days.

For more information about Return and Refund Policy, please {Click here}